.. include:: ../defs.hrst .. _Synthesis: Chlorophyll synthesis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With N quota: ''''''''''''' .. math:: S^{\op{Chl}}_j = \rho^{\op{Chl}}_j U^{\mathrm{N}}_j where .. math:: \rho^{\op{Chl}}_j = \begin{cases} \op{Chl\text{:}n}^{\max}_j \dfrac{P^{\mathrm{C}}_j} {\langle\alpha I\rangle_j \cdot \op{Chl\text{:}C}_j} & \text{if } \langle\alpha I\rangle_j \cdot \op{Chl\text{:}C}_j > 0, \\ \op{Chl\text{:}n}^{\max}_j & \text{else.} \end{cases} Without N quota: '''''''''''''''' – with :varlink:`DARWIN_GEIDER_RHO_SYNTH`: .. math:: S^{\op{Chl}}_j = \rho^{\op{Chl}}_j \cdot P^{\mathrm{C}}_j {c}_j + \tau^{\op{acclim}}_j (\op{Chl\text{:}C}_j^{\op{acclim}} - \op{Chl\text{:}C}_j) {c}_j where .. math:: \rho^{\op{Chl}}_j = \begin{cases} \op{Chl\text{:}C}^{\max}_j \dfrac{P^{\mathrm{C}}_j} {\langle\alpha I\rangle_j \op{Chl\text{:}C}^{{{\text{acclim}}}}_j} & \text{if } \langle\alpha I\rangle_j > 0 \text{ and } \op{Chl\text{:}C}^{{{\text{acclim}}}}_j > 0, \\ 0 & \text{else.} \end{cases} – else .. math:: S^{\op{Chl}}_j = \op{Chl\text{:}C}_j^{\op{acclim}} \cdot P^{\mathrm{C}}_j {c}_j + \tau^{\op{acclim}}_j (\op{Chl\text{:}C}_j^{\op{acclim}} - \op{Chl\text{:}C}_j) {c}_j The acclimated chlorophyll-c ratio, :math:`\op{Chl\text{:}C}_j^{\op{acclim}}`, is defined in :eq:`chl2cacclim`. Without Chl quota, '''''''''''''''''' current chl, i.e., :math:`{c}_j\cdot\op{Chl\text{:}C}_j`, is stored for the next time step. .. csv-table:: Chlorophyll synthesis parameters :delim: & :widths: 13,20,14,14,15,24 :class: longtable :header: Trait, Param, Symbol, Default, Units, Description & :varlink:`chl2nmax` & Chl:n\ :math:`^{\op{max}}_j` & 3.00 & mg Chl / mmol N & max Chl:N ratio for Chl synthesis following Moore 2002 :varlink:`acclimtimescl` & :varlink:`a_acclimtimescl` & :math:`\tau^{\op{acclim}}` & 1/20days & 1/s & rate of chlorophyll acclimation