.. include:: ../defs.hrst .. _Denitrification: Denitrification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When :varlink:`DARWIN_ALLOW_DENIT` is defined in DARWIN_OPTIONS.h, denitrification occurs, provided :math:`{\mathrm{O}}_2<{\mathrm{O}}_2^{{\text{crit}}}`, .. math:: D_{\op{NH4}} &= R_{\op{DON}} + [R_{\op{PON}}] D_{\op{NO3}} &= R^{\mathrm{NO3}:\mathrm{P}}_{\op{denit}} \cdot \bigl( R_{\op{DOP}} + [R_{\op{POP}}] \bigr) (the particulate organic terms are not present with :varlink:`DARWIN_ALLOW_CDOM`). The diagnostic 'Denit' is this: .. math:: \op{Denit} = R^{\mathrm{N}:\mathrm{P}}_{\op{denit}} \bigl( R_{\op{DOP}} + [R_{\op{POP}}] \bigr) Also, when :math:`{\mathrm{O}}_2<{\mathrm{O}}_2^{{\text{crit}}}` and :math:`\op{NO}_3<\op{NO}_3^{{\text{crit}}}`, all remineralization, denitrification and CDOM degradation (except bleaching) stops. Bacteria are not affected. .. csv-table:: Denitrification parameters :delim: & :widths: 16,12,12,15,45 :class: longtable :header: Param, Symbol, Default, Units, Description :varlink:`denit_NP` & :math:`R^{\mathrm{N}:\mathrm{P}}_{\op{denit}}` & 120.0 & mmol N / mmol P & ratio of n to p in denitrification process :varlink:`denit_NO3` & :math:`R^{\mathrm{NO3}:\mathrm{P}}_{\op{denit}}` & 104.0 & mmol N / mmol P & ratio of NO3 uptake to phos remineralization in denitrification :varlink:`O2crit` & :math:`\mathrm{O}_2^{\op{crit}}` & 6.0 & mmol O\ :sub:`2` m\ :sup:`-3` & critical oxygen for O2/NO3 remineralization :varlink:`NO3crit` & :math:`\op{NO}_3^{\op{crit}}` & 0.01 & mmol N m\ :sup:`-3` & critical nitrate below which no denit (or remin) happens