.. include:: ../defs.hrst .. _Respiration: Respiration ^^^^^^^^^^^ Carbon is respired with a temperature-dependent rate. Respiration stops at :math:`{c}_j^{\min}`: .. math:: R^{\mathrm{C}}_j = r^{{{\text{resp}}}}_j f^{{{\text{remin}}}}(T) ({c}_j - {c}_j^{\min}) \,. For elements with fixed stochiometry, any excess is returned to the inorganic pool, e.g., .. math:: R^{\mathrm{P}}_j = R^{\mathrm{P}:\mathrm{C}}_j R^{\mathrm{C}}_j \qquad\text{(without P quota)} \,. For nitrogen, return fluxes to NH\ :sub:`4` and NO\ :sub:`2` are limited to not exceed uptake. If carbon respiration exceeds uptake, excess nitrogen goes to NO\ :sub:`3`, .. math:: R^{\mathrm{N,NH4}}_j &= U^{\op{NH4}}_j \,, R^{\op{N,NO2}}_j &= U^{\op{NO2}}_j \,, R^{\op{N,NO3}}_j &= R^{{\mathrm{N}}:{\mathrm{C}}}_j R^{\mathrm{C}}_j - U^{\op{NH4}}_j - U^{\op{NO2}}_j \text{(if } R^{\mathrm{C}}_j &> U^{\op{DIC}}_j \text{ without N quota).} For non-phototrophs, all nitrogen goes to NO\ :sub:`3`. Parameters '''''''''' .. csv-table:: Mortality and respiration parameters :delim: & :widths: 20,22,11,11,13,23 :class: longtable :header: Trait, Param, Symbol, Default, Units, Description :varlink:`respRate` & :varlink:`a `,\ :varlink:`b_respRate_c` [#]_ & :math:`r^{\op{resp}}_j` & 0 & s\ :sup:`-1` & respiration rate :varlink:`qcarbon` & :varlink:`a `,\ :varlink:`b_qcarbon` & :math:`Q^{\mathrm{c}}_j` & 1.8E-11 & mmol C cell\ :sup:`--1` & cellular carbon content :varlink:`Xmin` & :varlink:`a_Xmin` & :math:`c^{\min}_j` & 0 & mmol C m\ :sup:`-3` & minimum abundance for mortality, respiration and exudation .. [#] the units of :varlink:`a_respRate_c` are mmol C cell\ :sup:`--1`, see discussion below. The respiration rate follows a different scaling law from other traits: it scales in terms of cellular carbon content, .. math:: r^{\op{resp}}_j = \frac{\op{a\_respRate\_c(g)}}{Q^{\mathrm{c}}_j} \left( 12\cdot10^9 \cdot Q^{\mathrm{c}}_j \right)^{\op{b\_respRate\_c(g)}} where .. math:: Q^{\mathrm{c}}_j = \op{a\_qcarbon(g)} \cdot V_j^{\op{b\_qcarbon(g)}} \;. .. So .. math:: r^{\op{resp}}_j = 12\cdot10^9 \cdot \op{a\_respRate\_c} \left( 12\cdot10^9 \cdot Q^{\mathrm{c}}_j \right)^{\op{b\_respRate\_c}-1} .. math:: r^{\op{resp}}_j = 12\cdot10^9 \op{a\_respRate\_c}\cdot(12\cdot10^9 \cdot \op{a\_qcarbon})^{\op{b\_respRate\_c}-1} \cdot V^{(\op{b\_respRate\_c}-1)\cdot\op{b\_qcarbon}} The units of a_respRate_c are mmol C cell\ :sup:`--1` s\ :sup:`--1`. It now defaults to zero. In the quota model, the default was 3.21ยท10\ :sup:`--11`/86400.